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Publicaciones recientes de los miembros de ZEIS incluyen las siguientes/

Recent publications by ZEIS members include the following:



  • Natividad Fernández Sola, Chair of International Law and International Relations, University of Zaragoza:


“La Política Exterior de la UE”, in Cristina Ares & Luis Bouza (eds), Política de la Unión Europea: crisis y continuidad, Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS), Madrid (2019).


“Collective Recognition? The Case of the European Union”, in Władysław Czapliński & Agata Kleczkowska (eds), Unrecognised Subjects in International Law, Scholar Publishing House Ltd., pp.195-226, Warsaw (2019).

"Rusia en oriente medio: entre la conflictividad y la cooperación con Occidente", en (dir.) Rubén Ruiz Ramas, Jesús de Andrés Sanz y Javier Morales Hernández, La Unión Europea y Rusia Cara a Cara, Tirant lo Blanch (2019).


  • Mario Kölling, Profesor ayudante doctor en el departamento de Ciencia Política de la UNED:


“Claves del próximo marco financiero plurianual de la Unión Europea”, in Francisco Balaguer Callejón & José Tudela Aranda (eds), Perspectivas actuales del proceso de integración europea, Fundación Manuel Giménez Abad (Colección: Actas 17), Marcial Pons, Zaragoza, pp. 225-244 (2019).


“El presupuesto de la UE y la planificación del gasto a medio plazo”, in Cristina Ares & Luis Bouza (eds), Análisis de la UE en un contexto cambiante, CIS, pp. 335-356 (2019).


“Security and Public Safety in Federal Systems – The Spanish Case”, in Leuprecht, Christian; Kölling, Mario, Todd Hataley (eds), Public Security in Federal Polities, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Buffalo, London, pp. 170-191 (2019).


“The EU budget between bargaining tool and policy instrument”, in Ubaldo Villani-Lubelli & Luca Zamparini (eds), Features and challenges of the EU Budget: a multidisciplinary analysis, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 30-43 (2019).



  • Stelios Stavridis, ARAID Senior Research Fellow, University of Zaragoza:


(with Maria Gianniou) “The Parliamentary Dimension of the EU Rotating Presidency: bringing back national concerns through the ´backdoor´?”, in Kolja Raube, Meltem Müftüler Baç & Jan Wouters (eds), Parliamentary Cooperation and Diplomacy in EU External Relations – An Essential Companion, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 188-204 (2019).


“La diplomacia parlamentaria: el papel de los parlamentos en el mundo”, Revista Española de Derecho Internacional, Vol. 71, No. 1, pp. 187-206 (2019).

(with Radka Havlová) "´Civilian Power Europe´and the Syrian Conflict", European Foreign Affairs Review, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 469-490, December 2019.

(with  C. Tsardanidis) "Cyprus and the European Union", in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press (January 2020) . doi:


  • Natalia Vera, PhD candidate, Law Faculty, University of Zaragoza & former Secretary General of Regions4:


(with Rodrigo Messias, Sara Kupka & Renata Gómez) “Regional governments in the new environmental global governance: the Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development as a paradigm of united and organized regional action”, in Fernando Rei, Maria Luiza Machado Granziera and Alcindo Gonçalves (eds) Environmental Paradiplomacy, Universitária Leopoldianum, pp. 55-82, Santos (2019).


Última actualización: 2 de mayo de 2020.

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